Adult ADHD Assessments in Canada: Navigating the Options

Do you suspect you or someone else may have ADHD?

Wonder what comes next? 

Starting on the path to being assessed for ADHD can be overwhelming.

How is ADHD Assessment?

For adults wishing to be assessed, there are two general approaches:

  • An ADHD Medical Assessment.
  • A Psychological/Psychoeducational Assessment.

An ADHD medical assessment and psychological/psychoeducational assessment are different in cost and process.

ADHD Medical Assessment

During this process you will be interviewed. Friends, family members, and colleagues may also provide information so the assessor can get as much information as possible about your past and present behaviour, education, work experience, and medical history. These assessments can be completed by a medical professional such as a physician, psychiatrist, or nurse practitioner.

Psychological/Psychoeducational Assessment

This assessment, by a psychologist, is broader as it evaluates cognitive abilities and academic skills as well as socio-emotional functioning to diagnose learning difficulties, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other conditions. This assessment typically takes 1-2 full days.

ADHD Assessment in Ontario: Qualifications and Costs

Licensed Psychologist/Psychoeducational Assessment

  • Average cost: $2,500-3,000.
  • Psychological/Psychoeducational Assessment.
  • Cannot recommend and prescribe medication.
  • Will provide detailed report.


  • Average cost: covered by public health insurance.
  • ADHD Medical Assessment.
  • Able to recommend and prescribe medication.
  • Detailed report provided to the referring primary.

Some psychiatrists can diagnose and treat ADHD. Unlike psychologists, they can also prescribe ADHD medication. The waiting time varies months to years.

Family Physician

  • Average cost: covered by public health insurance.
  • ADHD Medical Assessment.
  • Able to recommend and prescribe medication.
  • Detailed report provided upon request.

A family physician who has provided care over the years is an excellent resource for diagnosing ADHD, as they should have a deep understanding of the medical history. If they do not feel comfortable making an ADHD diagnosis for adults, they can refer to another health care practitioner for the assessment

Nurse Practitioner

  • Average cost:  Variable and typically not covered by public health insurance.
  • ADHD Medical Assessment.
  • Able to recommend and prescribe medication.
  • Will provide a report upon request.

ADHD-Focused Clinic such as the Adult ADHD Centre

  • Average cost: $300-$1,000 + .
  • ADHD Medical Assessment.
  • Able to recommend and prescribe medication. On-going treatment is usually with the patients’ primary care practitioner.
  • Detailed report available upon request.

The Adult ADHD Centre is one of the first Canadian ADHD centres focussing on adults, providing over 14,000 assessments, and counting! We are located in Toronto, Ontario, across Canada. To learn more about the Adult ADHD Centre assessments visit here.