Strategies for Student Success
When transitioning to post secondary, parent/teacher involvement decreases, and more responsibility is placed on the ADHD person for decision-making, long-range planning and advocating for oneself needs.
To set yourself up for success during this important time, consider accommodations that will work best for you, such as:
- Taking extra time to complete a program by reducing course load
- Taking online courses or considering community college rather than a four-year degree
To help support you, engage with school resources such as student services, student health centre, peer tutoring and the accessibility centre.
It is important to continue to schedule regular visits with your healthcare provider during school breaks to help you manage your ADHD.
Study Space
- Choose a quiet work area away from other people
- Follow preferential seating by sitting near the front of the classroom or lecture theatre
- Position yourself away from distractions such as televisions, windows, kitchen, games and personal devices
- Choose a study space in which the door can be shut
- Use noise reduction headset if surrounding noise is distracting
- Ergonomically optimize the study area so that the chair, desk and computer are all at the correct height and position
- Remove clutter and unnecessary items from the study area
Study Organization
- Break big term paper and other projects into smaller tasks
- Try to choose multiple shorter classes rather than single long classes or reduce course load
- Request weekly, if not daily, informal verbal feedback from teachers and supervisors
- Utilize instructor office hours to receive additional clarification or check-ins on assignments
- Prioritize study items and set daily, weekly, monthly goals
- Use white boards, apps, spreadsheets, lists and project management software to stay organized
- Inquire about receiving class notes, or be assigned a note-taker

ADHD Academic Accommodation Options
- A separate room to write examinations
- Extra time, usual time multiplied by 1.5, to complete an examination
- The option of standing up, stretching and moving around the desk during an examination
- Extra time for projects and assignments
- Being provided teaching materials prior to the education session
- Implementing the use of lecture recording devices
- Access learning support or tutors